Welcome to our new website!

Today is the official launch of our new website. Our team has been hard at work making adjustments and refinements not only to the appearance and design, but also to the functionality of our website. 

Our new site has lots of upgrades but the big one is subscriptions! You can now subscribe to multiple products at once, such as our coffee of the month and your favorite single origin coffee combined into a single shipment. You can also skip future subscription shipments if you will be out of town, update your shipping address or billing info, and easily view your upcoming deliveries.

We will continue to make improvements over the coming weeks so keep an eye out for those! 

I had an active subscription, what will happen to that?

Unfortunately we were unable to transfer subscriptions to our new site. Fortunately, if you were a subscriber previously we sent you a special discount code to welcome you to re-subscribe at a discount! Please check your email for that code or reach out to us at info@sunergoscoffee.com if you don’t see it in your inbox! 

Make sure you hurry because the welcome code is only valid until March 31st!

I had a digital gift card that still had a balance, is that money gone?

If you had an active gift card with a remaining balance, your gift card has been imported to our new site! You can use the same code from your original gift card email if you have it. If not, we sent out emails to all of our gift card holders on March 20th around 11am EST so check your email for that gift card!

Thank you so much for your patience as we continue to monitor potential bugs that may have occurred during the website migration. If you have any questions, or need assistance, please feel free to drop us a line at info@sunergoscoffee.com


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